lørdag den 1. februar 2014

Today's picks: Tool and Invocator

Welcome! It's Saturday, so it's time to hit the ground running. So, why not indulge in some sophisticated, hard rock. Not the usual genre on this blog, but who cares about genres anyway? Here goes:

Tool: Lateralus (full album)

I attended a concert with Tool at Roskilde in 2006 at the Orange Stage, and it was mesmerizing; one of the best shows I've ever attended. Tool isn't a band I listen to often at home, for reasons I don't really know. I'm a musician (I play guitar) so I truly appreciate the band. They are technically very skilled, melodic, honest (not much pyrotechnics at their shows), powerful, humble, and hypnotic. They demand the full attention of their audience, but it's all worth it. In other words: a class act. Can't wait to experience them again.

Invocator: Kristendom

A Danish act (they're from Esbjerg), Invocator is a bit like tool, and yet not quite. A more traditional heavy band (long hair, headbanging, and 'the attitude' - at least when this album came out), they nonetheless impress me by their powerful, yet groovy, guitar riffs. The drumming, too, is excellent; lots of little details and creative use of the hi-hat. But still heavy all the way. Oh, yes; guitar harmonies, too. Bonusinfo: the vocalist and guitarist Jacob Hansen since went on to produce the album Outlaw Gentlemen and Shady Ladies by Volbeat (and much other stuff, too).

Have a great weekend!

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